Monday, August 4, 2008

School dress code

My daughter is starting 6th grade on Monday and is very excited about it. They have a very strict dress code and I have mixed feelings about this. Any pants with belt loops and you have to wear a belt. All shirts have to be tucked in. Now my daughter is a little bit overweight and tucking in her shirt is harder for her than a thin child. Wearing a belt makes it even worse. She has lost a lot of weight and more than I thought. She is a pitcher in travel ball and at our last tournament one of her pee wee coaches was there. He was sitting and watching the game and someone said, "Way to go Jessi" when she struck out the best batter on the team. I did not know he was there and later he saw me and said, "Rita I watched that whole game and I never had a clue that was Jessi pitching! She looks so different and I didn't even recognize her. She has lost so much weight and is so tall (She's 5'3). I guess when you are around them every day you don't notice as much. Anyway, I'm getting away from the subject of this post. We went school clothes shopping over the weekend and it was so hard to find shirts because most of them were not the type of shirts that you can tuck in. (I also found out she was 2 sizes smaller than the last time we went shopping for jeans!) She was so excited. There I go again getting away from the subject! Anyway, I just want to know what everyone thinks about dress codes. Good, bad? This is for 6th graders. I agree with revealing clothes and the boys' jeans that sag to their knees but tucking in your shirt when the shirt itself is not baggy and always wearing a belt? I just think that's taking it a bit too far. My son is in high school and they don't have to tuck in shirts, wear belts, etc. I would think something is more likely to happen in high school than in 6th grade. Anyway - what do you guys think about this? I would love to get your options on this matter.


Kelly said...

Junior highs and middle schools can be as aggressive as high schools. Just depends on where you live I guess. I believe in dress codes myself. It takes the focus off of clothing and makes them relate more to each other on a personal level but it should not make some kids stand out more than others. Its then defeating the purpose.

Rita said...

I can see your point - I just think having to tuck your shirt in when the shirt itself is not baggy at all is going too far. I guess though it's either all or nothing! It's a shame this world is such that you can't trust kids.

Anita said...

I generally agree with dress codes. My daughter too is going into 6th grade, and honestly I wish they had a dress code. I think that just allowing them to wear whatever makes it just that much harder to fit in. However, I think your dress code may have taken it a bit to far. Raising girls in the 6th grade is hard enough for us parents, without having us search high and low for very specific clothing. LOL