Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday - Doing The Happy Dance

Shake - Shake - Shake

Finally made it to Friday. We wish our lives away don't we? The weekends are so nice though and I am off next Friday because my kids are out of school. It's great to have a flexible WAHM job where you can take days off. I have 2 weeks off in December and 1 week off in January, oh and 2 days off in November. I cannot wait.

I've been thinking about Christmas. I seem to spend too much money on the kids and take away the real meaning. My daughter wants a Wii - $250.00 - wow! My husband wants one too - lol. I guess I do too - maybe it can be a family gift for everyone. There is so much more they want. I I bought her a Wii that would cut down on other presents. If I do buy one it will be a family gift and not just for one child. My daughter is 11 and no toys this year. I dind't realize last Christmas was the last Christmas that I would shop the toy aisles. Oh well, kids have to grow up sometime. If you've read my other posts you can see I'm having a hard time with this - she is my baby! It's hard sometimes to let them grow up but I have to remember she doesn't need her food cut up anymore - lol.